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http://www.chimpreports.com/index.php/regional-news/rwanda/8413-exclusive-gen-kayumba-karegeya-move-to-remove-kagame.html Exiled army officers Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa and Col Patrick Karegeya have vowed to “redouble efforts to cause internal change” in Rwanda,...

digitalcongo.net, le 25 février 2013 http://www.digitalcongo.net/article/90040 Deux factions au sein du M23 se disputeraient le leadership du mouvement au regard de l'évolution politique enregistrée avec la signature dimanche à Addis-Abeba de l'Accord-cadre...

http://texasinafrica.blogspot. co.uk/2013/02/drinking-rwandan-kool-aid.html Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and businessman and philanthropist Howard Buffett have a column in Foreign Policy this week titled, "Stand with Rwanda." In the piece,...

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