“King Paul Is Facing Serious Economic Challenges"(David Himbara)
“King Paul Is Facing Serious Economic Challenges According To The World Bank, IMF and His Own…” by dhimbara https://t.co/D1C0BpFqbg
February 26, 2016
King Paul Is Facing Serious Economic Challenges According To The World Bank, IMF and His Own...
In its Country Report No. 16/24 dated January 2016, the IMF offers some bad economic news for Rwanda. The bad news are mainly centered on three things: Imports continue to grow; Exports are shrinking; Kagame's prestigious projects are worsening the situation; Here is what the IMF actually states with regards to King Paul's economy in January 2016: "Due to imports growing faster than exports both trade and current account deficits have increased gradually, exacerbated by a trend from external grants to loans.