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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

The Political Bureau of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, met on 22nd November 2014 and took an official stand on the proposed request regarding the lifting of the presidential term limits from the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda.

After serious analysis of the proposed request by the political bureau, the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda wishes to inform members of the media and the general public, that it does not support the proposed change as well as an advancement of this request to the parliament and a subsequent referendum on lifting of presidential term limits.

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, believes that respect of the current two term limits of seven years each, is more than enough for a leader to implement his/her manifesto.

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda is fully convinced that it’s important to respect the constitution in order to allow a peaceful transfer of power and implement the principal of rule of law.

The request was launched by the Ideal Democratic Party (PDI), Parti Sociale-Imberakuri (PS Imberakuri) and the Party for Solidarity and Progress (PSP).

Done at Kigali on 24th  November 2014

Dr. Frank Habineza

President, Democratic Green Party of Rwanda

Green Party’s stand on the proposed lifting of presidential term limits from Rwanda’s Constitution
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Ah! Je ne savais pas que "Les Verts" du Rwanda ont une vision de la démocratie "à l'occidental" ! Eh, les verts, essayez de poser les pieds sur terre, nous sommes au Rwanda, pas en Occident!
C'est le pire des conseils que l'on puisse donner à des responsables politiques. Nous pensons que les Verts sont dans leur bon droit et ont exprimé, là, une position courageuse pour des gens vivant au Rwanda. Nous devrions au contraire les applaudir !