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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

Congratulations to President Elect H.E. John Pombe Magufuli (Tanzania)

Lyon, October 29, 2015


His Excellency President-Elect John Pombe Magufuli,
President-Elect, United Republic of Tanzania,
1 Barack Obama Street
11400 Dar es Salaam


Your Excellency President-Elect,


On behalf of my political organisation and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you upon your election as the next president of the United Republic of Tanzania. I would also like to congratulate your party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) for the outstanding confidence the Tanzanian people have for it as guarantor of the continued national cohesion, social and economic progress and development.

Afficher l'image d'origineYour Excellency, your election as President of Tanzania is not important only to the people of Tanzania but to the entire great lakes region as well as the entire Africa itself. Across Africa Tanzania, since the leadership of Mwalimu Nyerere, is a vanguard for practical PanAfricanism and homegrown democracy. The patriotic spirit of the people and the democratic credentials of Tanzania is an envy to its neighbours in the region.

Your Excellency, as you embark on this arduous responsibility as leader of the great people of Tanzania, I wish you the very best in all your endeavors and beseech Your Excellency that Tanzania continues to give its wise counsel in the region and use its influence to cause the same democratic dispensation in our motherland where up to now our people are not free to express their inalienable rights but, live under a constant watch and oppression of a police state.

The leadership of the National Movement – Inkubiri, wishes to assure Your Excellency that we will work with your good offices and the peoples of Tanzania to bring about the cherished transformation in Rwanda so that both our people can live side by side in harmony and mutual friendship and respect.

Please, accept our utmost considerations,

Ndahayo Eugène
Chairman, National Movement – Inkubiri

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