Rwanda has secretly recruited an army of Burundian refugees for the purpose of conducting an armed insurgency inside Burundi ( Washington Post -Testimony) "Until two weeks ago, I worked for five months as a U.N. official in that refugee camp and dealt...
The following article was published in July 2008, but it remains more relevant than ever. Rwanda ex-leaders granted life immunity Constitutional amendment that guarantees former Presidents immunity from prosecution for life afrol News, 17th July 2008...
Par RFI Publié le 18-11-2015 Le projet de réforme de la Constitution rwandaise permettrait à Paul Kagame de rester au pouvoir, en théorie, jusqu'en 2034. AFP PHOTO / CARL COURT Le Sénat rwandais a adopté mardi 17 novembre une réforme de la Constitution...
17 November, 2015 Kigali (17/11/2015): The Rwandan Senate has today finalised the revision of the constitution and adopted to keep two term limits, but left the contradicting Article 172, which allows a transitional term of seven years, before Article...
Rights in Exile The International Refugee Rights Initiative’s Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter (formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter). * * * This newsletter follows recent developments in the interpretation of refugee law; case law precedents...
Pétition lancée par Chantal GREVIN France SIGNEZ ET PARTAGEZ CETTE PETITION Déjà 887 soutiens. Plus que 113 signatures nécessaires pour atteindre 1 000 L'extradition de Munyakazi Léopold vers le Rwanda entraînerait un danger pour sa vie. Léopold a été...
Ecoutez Par Boniface Musavuli L’hebdomadaire Jeune Afrique a publié le témoignage d’un transfuge des FDLR recueilli par les autorités rwandaises. Selon ses dires, la rébellion hutue, opérant dans l’Est du Congo, compterait jusqu’à 5.000 combattants dans...
REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS PUBLIC NOTICE ON THE CRITERIA AND PROCEDURES FOR LOCAL INTEGRATION OF FORMER RWANDAN REFUGEES In May 2013, the Government of the Republic of Zambia in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner...
Abatumirwa muli iki kiganiro cya VOA ni : Jean-Marie Ndagijimana, umuvugizi wa Fondation Ibukabose-Rengerabose. Déo Hakizimana, umuyobozi w'umuryango witwa Centre indépendant de recherches et d’initiatives pour le dialogue (Cirid). Bibanze cyane cyane...