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Radiokapi.net: L'armée congolaise attaque les rebelles rwandais des FDLR à Kamatembe, en plein parc des Virunga (Nord-Kivu), depuis ce lundi 9 mars tôt dans la matinée. Des détonations à l'ar... Radiokapi.net: Les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont arrêté...

By Stephen Windsor and ChrispinMvano. Stephen Windsor has volunteered and worked in refugee protection and education in Uganda since 2009 and in development projects in eastern DRC since 2012. Chrispin Mvano is a journalist and analyst with ten years...

Predicts Period of Instability in the Great Lakes Region Just days ago, Senator Russell Feingold, the U.S. special envoy working to stabilize Africa’s Great Lakes region, announced he will give his final speech in this position. His press release stated...

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