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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

Statement by the RBB on mourning ceremonies to commemorate the victims of the genocide committed against the Hutu in Rwanda and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Press release

Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB), a Consultation Framework which brings together Rwandan Civil Society Organizations and Opposition Political Parties in exile, held its Ordinary General Meeting on 2-3 April 2022.

Considering the principles of the Rwanda Bridge Builders aimed to:

  • Promote equality for all Rwandans before national laws;
  • Combat all forms of discrimination between Rwandans, in particular ethnic discrimination in Memorial Ceremonies of victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide since October 1, 1990 in Rwanda and Zaire-DRC;
  • Ensure the respect of equal justice for all those killed in Rwanda and neighboring countries.

Reaffirming the resolution on the Genocide against the Hutu taken by the Rwanda Bridge Builders’ General Meeting held on November 6, 7, 20 and 21, 2021 which, after having examined and analysed the massacres committed against the Hutu since 1990 in Rwanda and in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has unequivocally affirmed that the said massacres indeed constitute a Genocide against the Hutu;

Determined to uphold and implement the resolution on the Genocide against the Hutu;

Based on the following clear and complementary facts:

  • October 1990: the genocide committed against the Hutu in all regions of Rwanda began with the war of invasion that the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)-Inkotanyi launched against Rwanda from October 1, 1990 to July 1994. The genocide against the Hutu continued after 1994;
  • October 1996: the attack on refugee camps in Zaire by the RPF-Inkotanyi in October 1996 resulted in the extermination of hundreds of thousands of Hutu refugees;
  • October 2010: the UN Mapping Report on RPF crimes in the DRC between 1993 and 2003 was published on October 1, 2010. These crimes were qualified as war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide against Rwandan Hutu refugees and have led to the death of millions of Congolese citizens.

During its General Meeting of 2 to 3 April 2022, Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB) has adopted the following resolutions:

  1. An Annual Mourning Ceremony to commemorate the victims of the Genocide perpetrated against the Hutu in Rwanda and in the Democratic Republic of Congo will take place in October of each year.
  2. Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB) will make every effort to support access to justice for the families of Hutu victims and to obtain adequate reparation for them to the same extent as their Tutsi compatriots.
  3. Rwanda Bridge Builders will continue to participate in the commemoration of the Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in April each year as acknowledged by the United Nations.
  4. Rwanda Bridge Builders supports its member organizations and will participate in Memorial Ceremonies commemorating their loved ones based on personal or historical reasons.

These resolutions are made public on June 9, 2022

Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB)

Coordinating Committee

Courriel rbbnew2021@gmail.com  Téléphone +337 85 64 67 93


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