The Rwanda Bridge Builders (Email:, a forum that brings together Rwandan political and civil society organisations, has learnt with serious concern about the deteriorating health situation of Hotel Rwanda hero and human rights activist Paul Rusesabagina due to lack of proper medical care at the Rwandan prison. He intimated to his lawyer on Friday 15, January 2021 that he feared he could die of stroke because of lack of proper medication to lower his high blood pressure.
It is quite disturbing and a harrowing revelation for the family and friends because other prominent Rwandan politically unwanted individuals have died under suspicious circumstances, including Dr Emmanuel Gasakure – personal Doctor of President Kagame, Mutunzi a renown solicitor and Mr Kizito Mihigo, a famous singer who refused to toe the government line on genocide narrative. It was alleged that Dr Gasakure was shot by a police guard while he was trying to grab a gun from him while the other two were said to have hanged themselves in a police cell using their own bed sheets.
Under the circumstances and drawing from experience, we have strong fears that the Rwandan regime could potentially let him die a “natural” death rather than living constant accusations of have violated international law or even being humiliated by taking the right decision of releasing him or even facing his lawyers in courts of law. Getting rid of him in this manner seems the cleanest option for the regime.
We call on all peace-loving people, organisations, and governments to take the risk to life of Paul Rusesabagina very seriously and to act accordingly before it is too late. One day of delay is one day too many to save Paul Rusesabagina.
RBB Signatories:
- Action citoyenne pour la Paix
- Amahoro-PC
- Association des rescapés du génocide des réfugiés rwandais au Congo (Ex-Zaïre-RDC) ARGR-Intabaza
- Centre de Lutte contre l'Impunité et l'Injustice au Rwanda (CLIIR)
- Comité pour l'Unité, la Paix et la Réconciliation au Rwanda (CUPR)
- Congrès rwandais du Canada (CRC)
- Convention Nationale Républicaine (CNR-Intwari)
- Comité de Suivi de la Problématique des Réfugiés Rwandais (CSPR)
- COVIGLA, Collectif des victimes des crimes de masse commis dans la region des grands lacs africains
- Democratic Rwanda Party, DRP-ABASANGIZI
- FDU-Inkingi
- Fondation Ibukabose-Rengerabose, Mémoire et Justice pour tous
- Global Campaign for Rwandan's Human Rights
- Global Voice of Rwandan Refugees (GVRR)
- Groupe d'initiative France-Rwanda
- Inganzo Gakondo
- Initiative du Peuple pour l'Alliance Démocratique (IPAD-Umuhuza)
- Initiative Humanitaire pour la région des grands lacs (IHRGL)
- Initiative HUMURA
- Institut Seth Sendashonga pour la Citoyenneté Démocratique ISCID asbl
- JAMBO asbl
- Liberté d'Expression Culture et Paix, LECP Info
- Mouvement Républicain pour la Paix et le Progrès, MRP
- Norway Sub Sahara Africa development organization (NSADO)
- Observatoire des Droits de l'Homme au Rwanda (ODHR)
- Organization for Peace, Justice and Development in Rwanda and Great Lakes Region (OPJDR)
- PS Imberakuri
- Rassemblement des Jeunes pour l'Avenir du Rwanda (RAJAR ASBL)
- Réseau International pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits de l'Homme au Rwanda (RIPRODHOR)
- RNC-Ihuriro
- Rwandan Alliance for the National Pact (RANP-Abaryankuna)
- Rwandan American Youth Association
- Rwandan Platform for Dialogue, Truth, and Justice (RDTJ)
- Rwandiska föreningen för mänskliga rättigheter (RFMR)
- United Freedom Fighters (UFF-INDANGAMIRWA)