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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

Charles Kambanda : "Mr. Kagame, I must call your attention to the inaccuracies in your end of year address to Rwandan" .

Charles Kambanda
3 hrs
Mr. Kagame, I must call your attention to the inaccuracies in your end of year address to Rwandans:

1. No neighboring country or group of Rwandans ( armed or unarmed) is against Rwanda or Rwandans. You, and your network of terrorists in Rwanda, are the major problem a significant number of Rwandans are set to eliminate. Be advised that you are not Rwanda or Rwandans. Whatever you say or believe, you will be smoked out, probably sooner than anticipated.

It's a statement of fact that:
( i) you ruined DRC in general and South & North Kivu in particular,

( ii) you prepared and executed the 2015 failed Coup in Burundi and the subsequent attrocities

( iii) you had plans to assassinated President Kikwete of Tanzania because he recommended that you talk peace with FDLR for the sake of regional stability and sustainable peace in Rwanda and

( iv) your criminal enterprise to ruin Uganda is well documented.

THEREFORE, all neighboring countries have reasons to be uncomfortable with your reign of terror in the region. 

2.Right thinking Rwandan and neighboring countries have an inherent legal and moral right & duty to smoke out your reign of terror, to the extent your terrorists are a threat to regional peace ( per the United Nations Charter) and your reign of terror has made it impossible for a vast majority of Rwandans from exerce their inherent rights and freedoms ( moral duty for rational beings to eliminate evil).

3. You know, as much as I know, that it's nolonger a matter of "if" Rwandans will smoke out your reign of terror. It's a matter of " when". It could be bloody for you and your insane junta.

4. The option to dialogue with Rwandans - armed groups or otherwise - is still possible although practically limited. Kindly make use of this limited offer before it's too late for you, your family and your network of terrorists throughout the country. The contrary is sucidal for you, your family and your insane network of terrorists throughout the country. Be mindful of innocent Rwandans and property that is bound to perish, should you opt of war.

May God protect all innocent Rwandans in the process of eliminating your bloody junta.


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