Tribute to Charles Ingabire, an honorable man
Tribute to Charles Ingabire , an honorable man .
It has been seven years today since the brutish assassination of my friend and colleague Charles Ingabire by the barbaric government of Rwanda ruled by the abominable Paul Kagame . Charles Ingabire
It has been seven years today since the brutish assassination of my friend and colleague Charles Ingabire by the barbaric government of Rwanda ruled by the abominable Paul Kagame .
Charles Ingabire was an exemplary journalist and a model of integrity to many of us fighting for a free Rwanda.
We often forget that prior to his assassination , he was repeatedly targeted for assaults , he was just recovering from one ( he had been severely beaten ) in which he had sustained severe injuries .
He had been living in severe distress and fear for his life but still he would not relent on his determination to continue informing our people. It was something he took to heart. It was personal to him. It was not a job, it was a duty.
On numerous occasions , when we were faced with the cruelty of Kagame’s despotic regime and its diabolical agenda , we would get discouraged but he always refused to give up. To him abandoning the fight for the right to inform and being informed was never an option. Never.
Many years after Charles Ingabire’s assassination , the now famous whistle blower Edward Snowden said that ” when exposing a crime is treated like committing a crime you are being ruled by a criminal ” .
Today , Inyenyeri News Group remembers Charles Ingabire , a hero in his own right.
Noble Marara