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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

Une photo qui en dit long sur la véritable nature du régime de Kigali. Sans commentaires.
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That's true. Facts are speaking themselves on gruesome violence of RPF militia Inkeragutabara. Now the question: what is the difference between the then MRND-CDR/Interahamwe versus RPF/Abakada and the nowadays RPF Intore /Inkeragutabara? Who will live long will see much in New Rwanda !!!! My best wishes for long life to All .<br /> <br /> Jean Musafiri
That's true. Facts are speaking themselves on gruesome violence of RPF militia Inkeragutabara. Now the question: what is the difference between the then MRND-CDR/Interahamwe versus RPF/Abakada and the nowadays RPF Intore /Inkeragutabara? Who will live long will see much in New Rwanda !!!! My best wishes for long life to All .<br /> <br /> Jean Musafiri