La Fondation Ibukabose-Rengerabose (Mémoire et Justice pour tous) vient d'apprendre le décès de Michael Hourigan. Cet ancien enquêteur du TPIR serait mort d'une crise cardiaque, en Australie. Il fut le premier à récolter des témoignages d'officiers du...
Published on Monday, 02 December 2013 18:53 Written by Super User A conversation with Dr. Gerald Gahima By Jennifer Fierberg Recently at a conference sponsored by the Royal African Society in London and organized by Dr. Phil Clark, Professor at London...
COMITE POUR L'UNITE, LA PAIX ET LA RECONCILIATION INTEKO Y'UBUMWE AMAHORO N'UBWIYUNGE Pétition pour le retrait immédiat du programme "Ndi umunyarwanda" de stigmatisation ethnique Pourquoi c'est important Au cours...
Chers amis, Je viens de créer ma propre pétition sur le Site de Pétitions Citoyennes d'Avaaz -- elle s'intitule "Communauté internationale, ONG, et démocrates rwandais: Demandons le Retrait immédiat du programme "Ndi umunyarwanda"". Cette cause me tient...
Three years after an assassination attempt on him in South Africa, the former Rwandan army Chief of Staff, Gen Kayumba Nyamaswa, has finally broken his silence has spoken about his assassination ordeal, bush war memories, and how President Paul Kagame...
By Judi Rever -Rwanda witness Why did the United Nations choose men alleged to have supervised death squads to head peacekeeping forces in Darfur and Mali? The activities of Lieutenant General PatrickNyamvumba and Major General Jean Bosco Kazura in eastern...