L'héritage du TPIR du point de vue de la défense (La Haye 14-15 novembre 2009)
Tribunal Pénal International pour le Rwanda/ International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda:
Conférence Indépendante sur son Héritage du Point de Vue de la Défense
An Independent Conference on Its Legacy from the Defence Perspective
La Haye, Hollande
14 et 15 Novembre 2009
Institute for Social Studies
Kortenaerkade 12
2518 AX Den Haag
Friday 13 November 2009
Institute for Social Studies
Kortenaerkade 12
2518 AX Den Haag
Comité de coordination/
Coordinating committee
Peter Erlinder
Beth Lyons
Kennedy Ogetto
John Philpot Holland 0631 566 495 after 10 November
Canada until 10 November : 001 514 272 9150
André Tremblay
Please register on Friday 13 November at the Institu of Social Studies(ISS)
Doors will open at 8h30 a.m on Saturday and Sunday 14 and 15 November. The ISS is not responsible for registration. The Coordinating committee will be staying at Hotel Sebel, Prins Hendrikplein 20. Please contact John Philpot at 0631 566 495
Saturday 14 November 2009 9h00 a.m.
Welcoming Remarks, Accueil : John Philpot
Atelier: History and the ICTR, L’Histoire et le TPIR
President André Tremblay
1. Ramsay Clark, “International Criminal Courts for the 21st century: Equal Justice Under International Law, or War by Other Means? ”
Former Attorney General of the United States, Defense attorney for Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein and Elizaphan Ntakirutimana at the ICTR.
2. Pierre Péan, «Le TPIR comme instrument de légitimation des actions des grandes puissances (USA,Grande-Bretagne et Israël) dans l'Afrique des Grands Lacs après la chute du Mur de Berlin »
Ecrivain, auteur de "Noires fureurs,blancs menteurs"
3. Helmut Strizek, “The Influence of the International Background to the Creation of the ICTR: A Historian’s View”
1970: Master’s Degree (Magister Artium) from Aachen University (Political Science, History and French) 1996: Doctoral Degree (Dr. phil.) 1996 from Hamburg University with a dissertation on “ Ruanda und Burundi von der Unabhängigkeit zum Staatszerfall” (Rwanda and Burundi from Independence to failed states)
Expert Witness to the ICTR in the cases Ferdinand Nahimana (2003), Anatole Nsengiyumva (2005), Casimir Bizimungu (2007) and Innocent Sagahutu (2008).
Break: 10h30-10h45
4. Hans Koechler, “Depoliticizing ICJ: Global Justice or Global Revenge”
Doctor of Philosophy sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae (1972); Professor of Philosophy, University of Innsbruck/Austria (1982-); Visiting Professorial Lecturer at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila (2004-); Head of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Innsbruck (1990-2008); Life Fellow, International Academy for Philosophy (2006); Chairman, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschaft und Politik (1971-); Founder and President, International Progress Organization (I.P.O.) (1972-);
5. Michael Hourigan, “ICTR-OTP Suppression of RPF Crimes and Distortion of History”, presence not confirmed
6. Antoine Nyetera, “L'éducation au mensonge et les calomnies chez les Rwandais »
Chercheur indépendant depuis 1985. Fonctionnaire Principal au Ministère de l’Education Nationale : Chargé de la recherche sur l’histoire, les Us et Coutumes du Rwanda, Secrétaire d’Administration au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Recherches Scientifique et Culture, chargé de la même activité qu’au Ministère de l’Education Nationale, plus la promotion culturelle, les arts et artisanat.
7. Roland Weyl, « Commentaire sur la légalité du Tribunal »
French Lawyer practising for 70 years, doctor in law, first vice president of IADL, member of National Council of French peace movement, and of the leadership of Droit-Solidarité, co-writer with Monique Picard Weyl of several books.
8. Joseph Matata, “Le système de délation institutionnalise »
Actuel Coordinateur bénévole du Centre de Lutte contre l’Impunité et l’Injustice au Rwanda(CLIIR) depuis le 18 août 1995. Le Centre dénonce les crimes perpétrés au Rwanda et au Congo, organise des manifestations et assiste notamment des réfugiés rwandais à travers le monde entier. Le CLIIR est une des organisations des droits humains les plus actives sur le Rwanda. Ses publications sont trouvables sur GOOGLE et autres sites. Ancien Secrétaire Permanent de l’Association Rwandaise pour la défense des Droits de l’Homme (ARDHO) après sa libération de la prison de Kibungo comme présumé « complice du Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR) »
9. Jean-Marie Vianney Ndagijimana, « Apartheid mémoriel et judiciaire : le cas des Gacaca et du TPIR »
- Ambassadeur du Rwanda en Ethiopie (1986-1990) et en France (1990-1994);
- Ministre des Affaires étrangères (1994).
- Porte-parole d'Action pour une justice internationale impartiale pour le Rwanda (AJIIR )
- Président de la Fédération internationale des associations rwandaises (FEIDAR).
- Écrivain, auteur de plusieurs livres dont le dernier en date est "PAUL KAGAME A SACRIFIÉ LES TUTSI"
10. Discussion period 11h30-12h30
20 minutes between panelists, 40 minutes from the floor for registrants
One hour lunch break. Une heure de pause pour le lunch. Please purchase sandwiches and drinks at Lunch Room de Prinsekel, Scheveingseveer 11, opposite conference site. They are expecting us.
Atelier : International Law in Practice
President Ken Ogetto
Part I: Rule of Law
1. John Laughland, “Undermining the Rule of Law: Joint Criminal Enterprise and Command Responsibility in International Criminal Justice”
Director of Studies at the Institute of Democracy and Cooperation in Paris. Author of (among others) "A History of Political Trials from Charles I to Saddam Hussein" (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2008), "Travesty: the Trial of Slobodan Milosevic and the Corruption of International Justice (London: Pluto Books, 2007), "Le tribunal pénal international: gardien du nouvel ordre mondial (Paris: François-Xavier de Guibert, 2003) and of a forthcoming book on the International Criminal Court and its threat to the rule of law and democracy. Former Lecturer at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and currently research member of the Centre for the History of Central Europe at the Sorbonne.
2. Beth Lyons, “Tortured Law/Tortured “Justice” – Joint Criminal Enterprise in the Case of Aloys Simba. “
Beth S. Lyons is Co-Counsel for Major Francois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye in the “Military II” case, and was Trial Co-Counsel for Mr. Aloys Simba. She is a member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), an IADL Alternate Representative to the U.N. in New York and the ex officio IADL representative to the ADAD Bureau.
3. Lennox Hinds, “The Presumption of guilt at the Ictr”
Lennox S. Hinds is a Professor of Law and former Chair of the Administration of Justice Program, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. In addition to his practice as a criminal defense and international human rights lawyer, he was Nelson Mandela’s US attorney and is counsel in the US to the Government of South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa and (SWAPO) of Namibia. He is the permanent Representative to the United Nations for the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. He is admitted to practice before the Unites States Supreme Court, the International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR), the International Criminal Court for Yugoslavia (ICTY), the Permanent International Criminal Court in the Hague and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
4. Jordi Palou Loverdos " Impunity, international courts and universal jurisdiction: last law changes in Spain and debate at UN "
National and international lawyer, conflict mediator and consultant. Holds a Master's degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Law Science (University of Barcelona). Member of the International Criminal Bar. Attorney accredited at the International Criminal Court (The Hague). Member of the Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association. Holds a Master's degree in Conflict Mediation and Resolution (URL). Co-director of aequitas - Mediation and Conflict resolution Center. Co-facilitator in charge of the IntraRwandan Dialogue process. Legal representative of more than 30 Spanish, Rwandan and Congolese victims before the Spanish courts (Audiencia Nacional) together with some international NGO's and public institutions under the International Forum for Truth and Justice in Africa of the Great Lakes region (www.veritasrwandaforum.org)
5. Ken Ogetto, “The challenges of defending international crime suspects – the application of JCE and superior responsibility by the ICTR and SCSL”
Former President ICTR Defence Lawyers Association, Lead Counsel for Anatole Nsengiyumva, ICTR, Military One Trial, Lead Counsel 2, RUF trial- Special Court for Sierra Leone, on the List of eligible Counsel, ICC, Member- International Commission of Jurists-ICJ, Member East African Law Society and Kenya Law Society, Partner Ogetto, Otachi and co Advocates Nairobi Kenya (kenogetto@yahoo.co.uk), CO –Author “Defence in international Criminal Proceedings”(Ed Bohlander , Boed and Wilson, Transnational Publishers, 2006)
15h15-15h30 Break
Part II Evidence and Procedure
6. Mylène Dimitri, « Les Frontières de la Divulgation de la Preuve (The borders of disclosure and Cooperation) »
After her internship with the President of the ICTY, Claude Jorda, she joined a defence team at the ICTR. She is one of the lawyers in the Munyaneza Trial, the Canada’s first genocide trial and is now conducting her 3rd case before the ICTR.
7. Wilfred Nderitu “The Issue of Perjury/Evidence Gathering at the ICTR and Its Impact on the Administration of Justice”
Senior Partner at Nderitu & Partners Advocates, Nairobi, Kenya which he founded in 2002 -2007, Lead Defence Counsel in for Simon Bikindi, ICTR
2002, Assigned (ICC) as Duty Counsel in Gulu, Uganda, relating to the procuring of part of the evidence relating to the indictment against Joseph Kony and others.
2008/9, ICTR , amicus curiae in the cases of The Prosecutor-v-Édouard Karemera and others and The Prosecutor-v-Casimir Bizimungu and others for investigation of perjury allegations.
8. Gabriel Amann, “The Disclosure Regime Before The Icc: The Right To A Fair Trial”
Master in Law from the University of Graz/Austria. Since June 2009 aspirant criminal lawyer in the lawyer's office Soyer/Embacher ( www.anwaltsbeuro.at ) in Vienna//Austria. From July 2008 until December 2009- internship at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. In January 2009 : evidence assistant at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. From 2005 until 2007, - assistant at the Department of International Law and International Relations, University of Graz/Austria under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach.
9. Allison Turner, “Disciplinary Issues” and “Witness Protection Orders”
Member of Quebec Bar since 1993.
2005 LLM, Université de Montréal. Thesis entitled Defining the Crime of Aggression: Untying the Gordian Knot?’
Co-Counsel for Théoneste Bagosora, ICTR
Co-Counsel for Emmanuel Rukundo.
Lead counsel for ICTR Defence investigator Léonidas Nshogoza, charged with four counts of contempt of court
10. Cainnech Lussiaà-Berdou , “Witness Protection Orders”
Montreal, Member of Quebec Bar since 1999.
LLM Candidate (International Law) at Laval University.
Co-counsel of Lt Col. Ephrem Setako at the UN-ICTR.
Formerly Defence Legal Assistant for Théoneste Bagosora and Casimir Bizimungu
11. Alexander Zahar (Paper only) “Rwamakuba case and problem of False Testimony”
Alexander Zahar was a legal officer in the Trial Chambers of the ICTR (2000-2002) and ICTY (2003-2007). He authored, with Göran Sluiter, International Criminal Law: A Critical Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2008). Dr Zahar is now a lecturer in law at Griffith Law School, in Queensland, Australia, where he teaches criminal law, international law, and climate change law. He is a member of Dr Radovan Karadžić's team of legal advisors
12. Tom Moran, Cynthia Kline, “Some Thoughts on Issues at the ICTR, Power point presentation”
Tom Moran is Criminal defence lawyer, Houston, Texas and Counsel for Prosper Mugiraneza at ICTR, Hazim Delic at ICTY
Cynthia Kline is a Criminal defence lawyer, Houston, Texas and Co-counsel for Prosper Mugiraneza at ICTR, Hazim Delic at ICTY
13. Jean Flamme. Short presentation on the International Criminal Bar.
Jean Flamme, Attorney at the Bar of Ghent(Belgium), has led the first mission ever of ASF, in Rwanda in August 1994. He was Counsel in the first case before ICC, Public prosec./ Lubanga.
He is writing a book about the Rwandan genocide and international justice at ICTR "Inkontanyi".
14. Discussion Period 16h30-17h00
17h00 Community Gathering at Prins’ Taverne, Noodeinde 165, opposite ISS
Sunday 15 November 9h00-12h45
Philosophical and Political Issues
President of Session and Introduction. Professor Peter Erlinder
“UN Security Counsel - created “Victor’s Impunity” at ICTR and Prospects for the ICC”
C. Peter Erlinder, Professor of Law, Wm. Mitchell College of Law, St. Paul, MN, Lead Defence Counsel for Major Aloys Ntabakuze at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in the Military-1 Trial; President of Association des Avocats de la Defence (ADAD), the ICTR Defence Lawyers Association, Arusha, TZ; and past-President of the National Lawyers Guild, NY.
1. Gaspard Musabyimana, « Le dilemmne du TPIR: le droit ou la politique »
Gaspard Musabyimana a un DESS en Administration et Gestion Publique (Université de Paris I-France). Il a publié, aux Editions L'Harmattan à Paris, 4 livres sur la problématique rwandaise. Il est enquêteur de la défense au TPIR. Il réside en Belgique.
2. Charles Taku, “ICTR: Eternalizing the ‘Judicial Genocide’ of the Hutu”
Chief Charles A.Taku, a citizen of Cameroon, was first appointed as counsel at the ICTR in October 1999 as counsel for Laurent Semanza, former Bourgmaster of Bicumbi Commune in Kigali Prefecture of Rwanda.
In July 2005, he was appointed Lead Counsel of Major Morris Kallon in the trial of senior officers of the Revolutionary Front for Sierra Leone before the Special Court for Sierra Leone. He was also appointed Lead Counsel for Major Nzuwonemeye in the Military Two trial pending judgment before the ICTR.
3. Sadikou Alao, « les décisions du tpir peuvent-elles permettre la réconciliation des rwandais ? »
Me Sadikou Ayo ALAO est né à Porto-Novo au Bénin en 1943.
Maîtrise de Droit privé
Diplômé en Sciences Criminelles
DEA en droit privé fundamental
Avocat depuis Décembre 1974
Après avoir servi comme Conseiller Juridique Général Adjoint de la BAD (Banque Africaine Développement) il est revenu au Barreau Béninois en 1995 et est inscrit comme Avocat auprès du TPIR et de la CPI
Président fondateur du GERDDES Afrique, une OING panafricaine qui fait la promotion de la démocratie, de la bonne gouvernance et de la prévention des conflits en Afrique.
4. Christiaan De Beule " Le TPIR a-t-il une responsabilité morale dans la recrudescence des violences dans la Région des Grands Lacs Africains? "
Ingénieur qui a travaillé 20 ans en Afrique dont 15 au Rwanda.
Observateur privilégié de la problématique économique, sociale, politique et sécuritaire de la région des Grands Lacs Africains.
Depuis 1995 secrétaire exécutif de SOS Rwanda-Burundi: une association qui œuvre pour le respect des droits de la personne, la divulgation de la vérité et pour la restauration de la dignité des populations de la sous-région de l'Afrique centrale.
5. Boniface Njiru, “Why the ICTR has had a Zero Deterrent Effect in Africa, particularly in the Great Lakes Region”
Kenyan Attorney, Boniface Njiru, Advocates. Amicus curiae in the Military II Trial, ICTR
Break 10h15-10h30
6. Charles Ndereyehe pour Victoire U Ingabire, candidate à la Présidence du Rwanda, Forces démocratiques unifiées, Inkigi (United Democratic Forces) « Les Raisons Objectives de la faillite du TPIR dans la réconciliation des Rwandais »
Charles Ndereyehe est Ingénieur Agronome, diplômé de l’Université de Florence en Italie en 1977.
De commissaire politique du RDR 1995-1998, il a été président du Rassemblement Républicain pour la Démocratie et vice-président de l’Union des Forces Démocratiques 1998-2000. Auteur de plusieurs articles sur la problématique de la crise rwandaise et les perspectives de résolution des conflits dans la région des Grands lacs.
Il est actuellement membre du Conseil Politique des Forces Démocratiques Unies (FDU) depuis 2004 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Les Forces Démocratiques Unifiées (FDU-INKINGI) sont une fédération de partis et de personnalités politiques, déterminés à offrir au peuple rwandais une alternative démocratique crédible et une coexistence pacifique avec les peuples et les Etats voisins. Les FDU veulent que le Rwanda soit un Etat de droit ayant l’obligation de protéger chaque citoyen contre l’arbitraire et la discrimination , et caractérisé par la primauté du droit et de la légalité, l’égalité devant la loi, l’équité, le respect et la dignité accordés à chaque individu.
7. Jordi Palou-Loverdos, “Spanish Universal Jurisdiction and Rwanda/DR Congo Case: Impact on UN and ICTR”
8. Philippe Meilhac, « La France : le traitement des personnes accusées du génocide : actualités et perspectives »
Avocat au barreau de Paris, avocat de Madame Agathe KANZIGA veuve du Président HABYARIMANA et de veuve du Président du Burundi Cyprien NTYARAMIRA dans la procédure de l'attentat du 6 avril 1994 et avocat de Madame KANZIGA dans la procédure d'asile.
9. Ville Hoikkala “Legal Issues: Trial of François Bazaramba in Finland”
Master of Law in 2004, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland. Exchange student in Université de Bretagne occidentale, Brest, France, in 2000-01. Legal practitioner in Helsinki since 2004, specialized in immigration and criminal law. Member of City Council of Kerava since 2008.
10. ARGR – INTABAZA , Association des réfugiés Rwandais rescapés du génocide Rwandais, François Rwabukwandi, « Marginalisation par le TPIR de toute tentative de réconciliation et impunité des criminels du FPR »
11. John Philpot , “Impunity at the ICTR”
Criminal defence attorney, Montréal, www.johnphilpot.com
Defence counsel, ICTR for Jean Paul Akayesu and Protais Zigiranirazo,
Legal Advisor to the ADAD, ICTR Defence Counsel organization
Former Secretary General of the American Association of Juristes
12. Discussion 11h30-12h30
One hour lunch break Une heure de pause pour un lunch
Please purchase sandwiches and drinks at Lunch Room de Prinsekel, Scheveingseveer 11, opposite conference site
15 November 13h30
The Future, Convicted Persons, ICTR and Justice
President Beth Lyons
1. John Philpot, “Post Conviction Issues: an Overview”
2. André Tremblay, Sandrine Gaillot, « Les conditions de liberté et de sécurité des détenus, après la fermeture du TPIR »
André G. Tremblay, LL.D., co-counsel in the files of Jean-Paul Akayesu and Aloys Ntabkuze, Attorney at Law, Member of the Québec Bar, ICTR Defense Co-Counsel, former Vice-Dean U. of Montreal Law School and Presidents of Canadian Law Teachers and Professors of U of M, author of many books
Sandrine Gaillot, French-educated lawyer, member of the New York Bar. Legal Assistant in for Aloys Ntabakuze, Military-I Trial, from 2007; LL.M., Notre Dame University School of Law (2007);
Diplome de Juriste International, Faculté Jean Monnet, Paris XI & ISIT (2003); MPA, School of Public Affairs, Indiana University (2002); presently Legal Adviser to the Registrar of the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
3. Prisoners statements and requests 45 minutes
Round table with three ICTR Defence counsel Beth Lyons,
Seydou Doumbia of Mali and Sadikou Alao: prisoners statements
Seydou Doumbia is an attorney from Mali representing Innocent Sagahutu at the ICTR
See above for biographical information for Beth Lyons and Sadikou Alao.
4. Gershom Otachi Bw'Omanwa,“Tribunal Archives”
Current Vice Chairman of the ICTR Defence Lawyers’ Association (ADAD).
Defence attorney at the ICTR for 13 years, initially in the high profile ‘ military I’ case and subsequently in one of the biggest and longest running cases dubbed the “ Butare trial”. A practising advocate of the Kenyan bar since 1990.
5. Statement of Rwandan Community in Tennessee, spokeperson Justin Gatebuke. “Justice Denied to Rwandans. What to do with the ICTR detainees?”
6. What to do: 30 minutes
15h45 Closing comments Kennedy Ogetto, alternatively André Tremblay
16 November 9h00-11h00 Follow-up
Informations générales
Vu le grand nombre de conférenciers, la limite de 10 minutes doit être respecté. Interventions des participants du plancher seront courtes
Les textes en format Word compressés seront disponibles par courriel après la conférence.
Les Rapporteurs prépareront un résumé de la conférence qui sera disponible avant la fin de 2009.
Nous pensons faire un vidéo de la conférence mais les détails ne sont pas définitifs.
Nos excuses pour le manqué de traduction anglais-français.
Nous vous demandons d’apporter aucune nourriture ou boisson dans la salle de la conférence.
General information
Given the number of participants, ten minute time limits must be rigourously respected. Interventions from the floor will be short
Papers in word format will be available by email following the conference.
Reporters will prepare a summary of the conference available before the end of 2009.
We are considering preparing a video of the conference but arrangements are not finalized.
We apologize for the lack of full English French translation.
Participants are requested to bring no food or drink into the conference hall.
Saturday 14 November 13h45-17h00