Barack Obama exhorte le Rwanda à cesser son soutien aux rebelles
Le président américain Barack Obama a demandé mardi à son homologue rwandais Paul Kagame de mettre fin à tout soutien aux rebelles en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), selon un communiqué de la Maison Blanche.
Lors d'un appel téléphonique, Barack Obama a "souligné que tout soutien au groupe rebelle M23 était incompatible avec le désir de stabilité et de paix du Rwanda", précise le document.
La publication de ce communiqué intervient quelques heures après que les Etats-Unis ont fermement appelé à l'arrestation et la poursuite en justice de deux chefs rebelles rwandais et congolais recherchés pour crimes de guerre par la Cour pénale internationale (CPI).
Durant leur conversation, MM. Obama et Kagame ont également discuté des "problèmes de gouvernance de longue date" de la RDC, selon la Maison Blanche. "Le président Obama a salué l'engagement du président Kagame à promouvoir la recherche d'une solution pacifique dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo", ajoute-t-on de même source.
Le président américain a lancé un appel en faveur d'un accord politique en RDC et adressé le même message à son homologue congolais Joseph Kabila.
Le M23 est essentiellement formé d'ex-rebelles qui, après avoir été intégrés en 2009 dans l'armée congolaise, se sont mutinés en avril dernier et combattent depuis l'armée régulière dans la région du Kivu.
Deux pays voisins, le Rwanda et l'Ouganda, sont accusés par l'ONU de soutenir les rebelles, ce qu'ils démentent.
- Kabila affirme que sa priorité est "la défense de la patrie"
- Plus de 900.000 personnes déplacées au Nord Kivu
President Barack Obama warned Rwandan President Paul Kagame about M23
Obama exhorte le Rwanda à cesser son soutien aux rebelles
Gertler Earns Billion as Mine Deal fail to Enrich Congo
We must not forget the victims of the war in Congo
Violence in Eastern Congo is our problem
Le FPR devrait faire preuve de modestie au cours de cet anniversaire de ses 25 ans d'existence, étant donné que sa gouvernance a été marquée entre autres par de graves violations des droits de l'homme.
Date: 2012/12/17
Subject: To the Int. Community - "Failure in intervene" ? : which failure in intervene ? / Rwanda's genocide and the bloody legacy of Anglo-American guilt
Concerns : Rwanda's genocide and the bloody legacy of Anglo-American guilt (The Guardian)
Dear Mr McGreal, journalist at The Guardian
"Failure in intervene" ? Which "failure in intervene" ?
Who are the real victims and who are the real criminals, and what really happened in Rwanda ?
The US/UK and Israel backed a full scale Ugandan invasion which led to the genocide as Kagame sacrificed the Tutsis in 1994 in Rwanda :
* Eighteen years after the historic '100 days of genocide' in Rwanda the United States Government has suddenly produced never-before-seen satellite images to support the genocide extradition trial of a former Rwandan now U.S. citizen in New Hampshire (USA). The existence of satellite imagery from 1994 would enable the 'international community' to further explore heretofore hidden facts about the double presidential assassinations of April 6 or massacres committed before, during and after 1994. As the world commemorates the official Rwanda genocide story on the 18th anniversary of the Rwanda genocide the people of Central Africa continue to suffer under the brutal terrorism of the Kagame military regime. Instead of celebrating, we should be asking: who are the real victims and who are the real criminals, and what really happened in Rwanda?
Pentagon produces satellite photos of 1994 Rwanda genocide
* The contemporary apocalypse in Central Africa began with the guerrilla war led by Yoweri Museveni, 1980-1985, where Paul Kagame was Director of Military Intelligence; Kagame is known for perpetrating massacres and for torturing people at intelligence 'safe houses' in Uganda. Due to Kagame and Museveni, Uganda's Acholi people have been suffering a simmering genocide, hidden from the world, in northern Uganda. The Kagame-Museveni guerrilla warfare in Uganda (1980-1985) set a course that determined the fate of millions of innocent people in Central Africa where the death toll continues to mount.
Apocalypse in Central Africa: The Pentagon, Genocide and the War on Terror
* In this interview, keith harmon snow talks about the Politics of Genocide and the truth & lies about the recently "leaked" UN report on atrocities in Congo from 1993-2003, and the now "established" evidence of genocide against the Hutu people committed by Rwanda.
WBAI AfroBeat with Keith Harmon Snow on the new "Leaked" U.N. Report on Atrocities in Congo 1993-2003
* From the 1980s to today, an elite group of Western intelligence operatives have backed low-intensity guerrilla warfare in certain African 'hotspots'. Mass atrocities in the Great Lakes and Sudan can be linked to Roger Winter, a pivotal U.S. operative whose 'team' was recently applauded for birthing the world's newest nation, South Sudan. Behind the fairytale we find a long trail of blood and skeletons from Uganda to Sudan, Rwanda and Congo. While the mass media has covered their tracks, their misplaced moralism has simultaneously helped birth a new left-liberal 'humanitarian' fascism. In this falsification of consciousness, Western human rights crusaders and organizations, funded by governments, multinational corporations and private donors, cheer the killers and blame the victims---and pat themselves on the back for saving Africa from itself. Meanwhile, the "Arab Spring" has spread to (north) Sudan. Following the NATO-Israeli model of regime change being used in Central & North Africa, it won't be long before the fall of Khartoum.
Special report : U.S. agents of covert war in Africa exposed - Low-Intensity warfare in Africa : The "Policy Wonks" Behind Covert Warfare & Humanitarian Fascism
So, which "failure in intervene" are you talking about ? Who are the real victims and who are the real criminals, and what really happened in Rwanda ?
But this is what is happening now in Congo : Kigali wants federal state in eastern DRC, US Congress told
And here are some pictures of what is happening now to the Congolese populations. Be warned, they are extremely chocking.
Kagame and Museveni must be prosecuted for terrorism, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocides (see below)
This is what should be explained in your articles.
Yours sincerely
Stephane Sonck