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Publié par La Tribune Franco-Rwandaise

Rwanda Bridge Bruilders : Condemning the racism in Ukraine and in some member countries of the European Union (EU)

Press release no. 01-DA-/22

Paris, March 08, 2022


Condemning the racism in Ukraine and in some member countries of the European Union (EU)

  • Expressing our sympathy towards the people in distress on the territory of Ukraine following the war that has been rampant since 24.02.2022
  • Regretting that this war has forced a large number of Ukrainians and foreign citizens to flee in search of asylum in neighbouring countries
  • Being deeply concerned about the fate of these refugees including African nationals, African students and Africans from the diaspora residing in Ukraine
  • Having been informed and received reliable testimonies provided by the direct victims of racist and xenophobic acts suffered by African nationals in Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania
  •  Reiterating that in a life and death situation, everyone has the right to seek and acquire asylum in other countries, 

We, the members of the platform for the consultation of political and civil society organisations of the Rwandan opposition – Rwanda Bridge Builders (RBB),

1. Strongly deplore and condemn the racism, inhuman and degrading treatment that African nationals face in Ukraine and some EU countries, while they too have been forced to flee and find themselves in the same predicaments as Ukrainian national.

2. Call on the Ukrainian authorities to take measures that immediately put an end to all discriminatory acts affecting the human rights of African nationals, and to create humanitarian conditions allowing their evacuation from the affected areas

3. Request the Secretary General of the United Nations, HE Mr. Antonio Guterres; the President of the European Council, Mr. Charles Michel; the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen; Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Council of the European Union; the President of the African union, Mr. Macky Sall and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat; to put pressure on Ukrainian and Poland authorities as well as other concerned countries so that they assume their duties to protect the lives of those in danger;

4. Invite all people of goodwill who respect human rights and humanitarian values ​​to condemn the racism and persecution faced by Africans on European soil.

The Rwanda Bridge Builders Coordinating Committee (RBB).

Contact : rbbnew2021@gmail.com

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