Annette Wieviorka est spécialiste de la Shoah. La Commission de recherche sur les archives françaises relatives au Rwanda et au génocide des Tutsis a été rendue publique jeudi 17 octobre. Elle correspond en tout point à celle annoncée par « La Croix »,...
Major Michael Mupende & Gn Fred Rwigema
Major Michel Mupende was battle hardened Lieutenant when RPF invaded Rwanda on October 1st 1990. He was based in the 3rd Division based in Mbale at the time. Before that he was in Military Intelligence working closely...
Pour en finir avec les génocides, faut-il revenir à l’Etat-nation ? Ou dépouiller les nations de toutes leurs caractéristiques politiques, culturelles et même territoriales ? Dans un texte publié sur son site ce vendredi 4 octobre, l’économiste Jacques...
Fichier PDF du document de reconnaissance du crime de génocide contre les Hutu - Reconnaissance du Crime de génocide contre la population hutu 7-10-2019.pdf
👏 👏. 👏 👏. 👏 👏. 👏 👏. 👏 👏. 👏 👏. "THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2019 The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019 to Ethiopian Prime Mi...
Rwandan president Paul Kagame
South Africa has issued arrest warrants for two Rwandans accused of assassinating a former Rwandan intelligence chief in Johannesburg, which is likely to bring further scrutiny to allegations that ...
Le missionnaire Gregg Schoof était dans le collimateur des autorités rwandaises depuis près de deux ans, au départ pour un sermon diffusé sur l'antenne de sa radio, durant lequel un présentat...
Pastor Gregg Schoof and his family have been expelled from Rwanda on this October 08,2019.
" Purpose: To show that I am innocent and that Amazing Grace Christian Radio was closed illegally. Dated: June 22, 2019 Your Honor, After much time has passed and...
Pastor Gregg Schoof and his family have been expelled by Kagame's regime in the morning of this October 08,2019 one day later after he was arrested while preparing his final press conference in ...
Mu kiganiro yagiranye na Radio Urumuri (Rubens Mukunzi), Jean Baptiste Icyitonderwa yamubwiye ko umutima we utahindutse, ko hafunzwe gusa umubiri. Icyitonderwa yafunzwe imyaka itandatu yose, nyuma yo kuvuganira banyeshuri bo muri Kaminuza bari mu bibazo...