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Leonard Sebarinda et sa fille Jeanette Chiapello ne s'étaient pas revus depuis la tragédie du génocide rwandais en 1994. Elle était alors âgée de deux ans. Par Sandro CAPO CHICHI / nofi.fr Dans le chaos du génocide rwandais de 1994, Leonard Sebarinda,...

- - - - - Netanyahu says that after removing 20,000 'infiltrators' from Israel, it was time for the next stage, which he described as 'increased removal' By Ilan Lior The cabinet on Sunday unanimously approved the proposal by Interior Minister Arye Dery...

Guverinoma ya Israel yemeje ko mu mezi ane ari imbere igomba kuba yafunze inkambi y'abimukira ya Holot, ababarirwa mu bihumbi 40 baturuka mu bihugu bya Afurika nka Eritrea na Sudan bakazoherezwa mu Rwanda, utemeye agafungwa .

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