Chef de l’État : Paul Kagame Cette année encore, les autorités ont réprimé l’exercice légitime de la liberté d’expression et d’association. Des cas de détention illégale et des cas présumés de torture mettant en cause des agents des services de renseignement...
Par Colette B raeckman Durant deux jours, la commune d’Ibanda à Bukavu, qui jouxte la frontière rwandaise, a craint le pire : des barricades ont...
Theogene Rudasingwa Interview on WBEZ Radio Clip 1 Theogene Rudasingwa Interview on WBEZ Radio Clip 2 Theogene Rudasingwa Interview on WBEZ Radio Clip 3 Theogene Rudasingwa Interview on WBEZ Radio Clip 4
With their refugee status being annulled, Rwandans fear what is in store for them if they go back. 24 May 2013 - Niren Tolsi reports Virginie* was 19 when the killing started in Rwanda in 1994. She had left her boarding school in Butare to go home for... Reference: SPEECH/13/455 Event Date: 23/05/2013 European Commission Catherine Ashton EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European...
Le 22 mai 2013 par Jean-Luc TENANT Le général Didier Tauzin publie un second opus sur le Rwanda. La fuite d'une famille devant haine et massacres. Des témoignages reçus sous couvert d'anonymat. Le général Didier Tauzin: "J'ai reçu tellement de témoignages...
In profile: Alfred Ndahiro (PhD 1998) Alfred Ndahiro (PhD 1998) is an adviser in Communications and Public Relations to the President of Rwanda. Where are you from originally? I was born in Rwanda...
By Judi Rever Rwanda’s former prime minister Faustin Twagiramungu, now in exile, says he plans to return to Rwanda by the end of the year to recommend President Paul Kagame loosen his authoritarian grip and allow more freedoms. “I have decided to go back...